Santa Clara County Creeks Coalition

Advocates for Living Streams

Friends of Stevens Creek Trail moving to remove fish migration barrier on Stevens Creek here.


Click here to see our Self-Guided Walks Brochures for Three Locations Along the Creek



           Coyote Creek:

    Beauty of a Living Stream






           Stevens Creek:

    Our Dream of Living Streams

creek 3

Restore and Protect Our Streams for all to Enjoy!

Become a member or renew your annual membership with a secure, tax-deductible gift (suggested donation is $50 per membership). When you join the Santa Clara County Creeks Coalition, you’re supporting the efforts to make our creeks healthy and beautiful once again – reversing the damage done to them through decades of urban development – and creating opportunities to enjoy them in many ways. All members will receive our electronic newsletter three times a year and updates on our work.


The Streams of Santa Clara County

imagesOur focus is on the streams of Santa Clara County such as the one on the left.  Someday all of our streams could look like this if we work on it together.

Our Mission:

The Santa Clara County Creeks Coalition seeks to transform our local creeks into “living streams”. ” – full of the fish, birds, plants and other wildlife that once lived here in abundance – and with opportunities for citizen enjoyment of the streams.

We are advocates for:

    • ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION: Protecting and enhancing our creeks for the benefit of the fish, birds, plants and the riparian ecosystem as a whole;
    • CREEK ENJOYMENT: Creating recreational and  educational streamside experiences compatible with “living streams”, for the benefit of all citizens,;
    • STRATEGIC ALLIANCE BUILDING:  Conducting outreach to public agencies, citizen groups and the business community to develop strategic alliances to restore our creeks and promote their enjoyment
    • FUNDING: Securing funding from all sectors for stream restoration at a scale commensurate with the magnitude of the challenges facing our streams.



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